Singing Guide: Sam & The Womp

Singing Guide: Sam & The Womp

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Sam & The Womp

Are you interested in learning how to sing like the unique and eclectic band Sam & The Womp? Well, you're in luck! Sam & the Womp, a UK-based band, is a self-described "musical explosion of Balkan brass, ska, dub, and unique dance/pop sound" that has taken the world by storm. If you're looking to learn how to sing like them, there are some key techniques and songs to focus on.

First, Sam & The Womp are known for their energetic and lively performances, so it's essential to work on breath support, posture, and warmups to support long and dynamic performances. Singing Carrots has a range of resources to help with this, including breathing basics, breath support, vocal health, and posture affects your singing.

Furthermore, Sam & The Womp's signature sound blends multiple genres, so developing a unique voice that can perform in a range of styles is crucial. A singing course, like the one provided on Singing Carrots, can be incredibly helpful in developing the skills necessary to accomplish this.

Another crucial element of Sam & The Womp's sound is their use of brass instruments and the incorporation of traditional Balkan melodies. Learning how to sing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking, and how to analyze your voice can be incredibly beneficial in developing the skills necessary to incorporate unique or nontraditional styles. Understanding classical versus pop/jazz singing can also be helpful in understanding how to incorporate unique sounds into your singing.

Finally, there are specific songs by Sam & The Womp that can help you learn how to sing like them. For example, "Bom Bom," their most well-known song, incorporates Balkan and ska influences, making it an excellent song to focus on. "Ravo" is another song that showcases their unique sound and Brass talents. Be sure to use the resources provided by Singing Carrots to identify songs that fit within your vocal range and to help you learn how to sing these songs effectively.

All in All, if you're looking to learn how to sing like Sam & The Womp, you should focus on developing breath support, posture, and multitasking the vocal cords to showcase unique sounds while incorporating traditional Balkan and ska influenced melodies. With Singing Carrots' help, you'll be on your way to mastering this unique style in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.